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pattern_weave() returns a logical matrix indicating where the warp lines should be "up" for a specified weave pattern type and subtype. names_weave is a character vector listing supported weave pattern types.


pattern_weave(type = "plain", subtype = NULL, nrow = 5L, ncol = 5L)



An object of class character of length 10.



Type of weave. See Details.


Subtype of weave. See Details.


Number of rows (length of warp).


Number of columns (length of weft).


A matrix of logical values indicating where the "warp" is "up" (if TRUE) or "down" (if FALSE). Indices [1,1] of the matrix corresponds to the bottom-left of the weave while indices [1,ncol] corresponds to the bottom-right of the weave. This matrix has a "pattern_weave" subclass which supports a special print() method.


Here is a list of the various weave types supported:


A simple criss-cross pattern using two threads at a time. Same as the "matt_irregular" weave but with a default subtype of 2L.


A simple criss-cross pattern using 3 (or more) threads at a time. Same as the "matt_irregular" weave but with a default subtype of 3L.


A generalization of the "plain" weave. A character subtype "U/D(L+R)" is a standard matt weave specification: U indicates number warp up, D indicates number warp down, L indicates number of warp up in repeat, and R indicates number of warp down in repeat. An integer subtype N will be interpreted as a "N/N(N+N)" irregular matt weave. A character subtype "U/D" will be interpreted as a "U/D(U+D)" irregular matt weave. Has a default subtype of "3/2(4+2)".


A simple criss-cross pattern. Same as the "matt_irregular" weave but with a default subtype of 1L.


A plain weave variation that emphasizes vertical lines. An integer subtype N will be interpreted as a "matt_irregular" "N/N(1+1)" weave. A character subtype "U/D" will be interpreted as a "matt_irregular" "U/D(1+1)" weave. Default subtype of 2L.


A "regular" satin weave is a special type of the elongated twill weave with a move number carefully chosen so no twill line is distinguishable. Same as the "twill_elongated" weave but with a default subtype of 5L.


A simple diagonal pattern. Same as the "twill_elongated" weave but with a default subtype of "2/1".


A generalization of the "twill" weave. A character subtype "U/D(M)" is a standard twill weave specification: U indicates number warp up, D indicates number warp down, and M indicates the "move" number. A character subtype "U/D" will be interpreted as a "U/D(1)" elongated twill weave. An integer subtype N will provide a "{N-1}/1(1)" elongated twill weave if N is less than 5, 6, or greater than 14 otherwise it will provide a "{N-1}/1(M)" weave where M is the largest possible regular "satin" move number. Default subtype of "4/3(2)".


Adds a (vertical) "herringbone" effect to the specified "twill_elongated" weave. Default subtype of "4/3(2)".


Adds a (vertical) "zig-zag" effect to the specified "twill_elongated" weave. Default subtype of "4/3(2)".

For both "matt" and "twill" weaves the U/D part of the subtype can be further extended to U1/D1*U2/D2, U1/D1*U2/D2*U3/D3, etc. For the "matt" weave the "(L+R)" part of the subtype can be further extended to (L1+R1+L2+R2), (L1+R1+L2+R2+L3+R3), etc.

See also

grid.pattern_weave() for drawing weaves onto a graphics device. See for further information on the "matt" family of weaves, for further information on the "twill" family of weaves, and for further information on "satin" weaves.


 # supported weave names
#>  [1] "basket"            "matt"              "matt_irregular"   
#>  [4] "plain"             "rib_warp"          "satin"            
#>  [7] "twill"             "twill_elongated"   "twill_herringbone"
#> [10] "twill_zigzag"     

 plain <- pattern_weave("plain", nrow = 7, ncol = 9)
#> / - - - - - - - - - \ 
#> | X   X   X   X   X | 
#> |   X   X   X   X   | 
#> | X   X   X   X   X | 
#> |   X   X   X   X   | 
#> | X   X   X   X   X | 
#> |   X   X   X   X   | 
#> | X   X   X   X   X | 
#> \ - - - - - - - - - / 

 matt_irregular <- pattern_weave("matt_irregular", nrow = 9, ncol = 11)
#> / - - - - - - - - - - - \ 
#> |         X X         X | 
#> | X X X X     X X X X   | 
#> | X X X X     X X X X   | 
#> | X X X X     X X X X   | 
#> |         X X         X | 
#> |         X X         X | 
#> | X X X X     X X X X   | 
#> | X X X X     X X X X   | 
#> | X X X X     X X X X   | 
#> \ - - - - - - - - - - - / 

 satin <- pattern_weave("satin", nrow = 9, ncol = 11)
#> / - - - - - - - - - - - \ 
#> | X X   X X X X   X X X | 
#> | X X X X   X X X X   X | 
#> | X   X X X X   X X X X | 
#> | X X X   X X X X   X X | 
#> |   X X X X   X X X X   | 
#> | X X   X X X X   X X X | 
#> | X X X X   X X X X   X | 
#> | X   X X X X   X X X X | 
#> | X X X   X X X X   X X | 
#> \ - - - - - - - - - - - / 

 twill <- pattern_weave("twill", nrow = 9, ncol = 11)
#> / - - - - - - - - - - - \ 
#> |   X X   X X   X X   X | 
#> | X X   X X   X X   X X | 
#> | X   X X   X X   X X   | 
#> |   X X   X X   X X   X | 
#> | X X   X X   X X   X X | 
#> | X   X X   X X   X X   | 
#> |   X X   X X   X X   X | 
#> | X X   X X   X X   X X | 
#> | X   X X   X X   X X   | 
#> \ - - - - - - - - - - - / 

 twill_zigzag <- pattern_weave("twill_zigzag", nrow = 18, ncol = 11)
#> / - - - - - - - - - - - \ 
#> | X X     X X   X X     | 
#> | X X   X X     X X   X | 
#> | X     X X   X X     X | 
#> | X   X X     X X   X X | 
#> |     X X   X X     X X | 
#> | X   X X     X X   X X | 
#> | X     X X   X X     X | 
#> | X X   X X     X X   X | 
#> | X X     X X   X X     | 
#> |   X X   X X     X X   | 
#> |   X X     X X   X X   | 
#> |     X X   X X     X X | 
#> |   X X     X X   X X   | 
#> |   X X   X X     X X   | 
#> | X X     X X   X X     | 
#> | X X   X X     X X   X | 
#> | X     X X   X X     X | 
#> | X   X X     X X   X X | 
#> \ - - - - - - - - - - - /