Low-level graphics functionsFunctions for directly creating board game graphics via various graphic systems |
Draw board game pieces with grid |
Draw board game pieces with ggplot2 |
Create rayrender board game piece objects |
Create rayvertex board game piece objects |
Render board game pieces with rgl |
ggplot2 game diagram scales |
Crop Mark Grob |
Data frame processorsFunctions that process data frame input |
Create graphics using data frame input |
Animate board game pieces |
Render image of game pieces |
Oblique projection helper function |
Calculate axis-aligned bounding box for set of game pieces |
Configuration list creatorsFunctions that create configuration list objects that customize appearance of board game components |
Configuration list R6 object |
Standard game systems |
Export piecesFunctions to export board game pieces as print-and-play files, individual images, or Wavefront OBJ files. |
Save piecepack images |
Save Wavefront OBJ files of board game pieces |
Save piecepack print-and-play (PnP) file |
Developer helper functionsVarious helper functions intended for developers |
Shape object for generating various grobs |
Piece Grob Functions |
Alternative Wavefront OBJ file generators |
Font utility functions |
Miscellaneous |
Helper functions for making geometric calculations. |
Developer helper dataData intended for developers |
SPDX License List data |
Overall package descriptionOverall package description including supported package options |
piecepackr: Board Game Graphics |
Defunct functionsDefunct functions that have been removed |
Defunct functions |